Umbria: New Highway Code, 4 people reported, 3 flagged and 5 licenses withdrawn

first reports with the new highway code

Umbria: New Highway Code, 4 people reported, 3 flagged and 5 licenses withdrawn

The Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Perugia, in conjunction with the entry into force of the new Highway Code, through the dependent departments, have intensified the institute services throughout the territory. There were several crews on board the "gazelles" of the Company Radiomobile Sections/Quotes, generally employed in the execution of the Emergency Response services, which, together with the patrols of the Carabinieri Stations, conducted aintense control activity in the numerous communities of the Perugia area and along the main roads, precisely on horseback with the application of the new rules that will regulate road traffic.

The Carabinieri found various violations in different sectors, proceeding to the referral in a state of freedom to the Public Prosecutor's Offices of Perugia and Spoleto of four people, for two of whom the respective infringements are covered by the new text. They also have been three individuals were reported to the Prefecture of the capital for drug users. The various devices deployed paid particular attention to aspects related to road safety, with particular attention to combating the phenomenon of driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs.

In detail:

  • Norcia Radiomobile Quota: on site, they have A 28 year old local man was stopped, driving his own car, who, subjected to a breathalyser test, is found to be in a state of alcoholic intoxication with a rate of 0.80g/l, for which his driving license was withdrawn;
  • Radiomobile quota of Città della Pieve: in Magione, a 24 year old local, caught driving with symptoms compatible with previous alcohol intake, subjected to breathalyser test, he was reported as he tested positive with an alcohol level of 0,88g/l, with his driving license revoked;
  • Radiomobile quota of Assisi and Stations of Santa Maria degli Angeli, Bastia Umbra, Bettona and Torgiano:

– in Assisi, an 27 year old, stopped and checked while driving his own car, subjected to a breathalyser test, he was found to be in a state of alcoholic intoxication with a level equal to 0.87g/l, for which his driving licence was withdrawn;

– in Bastia Umbra, a 23 year old, caught driving in an evident state of alteration caused by the probable assumption of narcotic substances, refused to undergo clinical tests, driving license withdrawn;

– in Bettona, a 25 year old, stopped and checked while driving her own car, subjected to a breathalyser test, she was found to be in a state of alcohol intoxication with a level of 0.70g/l, for which her driving license was withdrawn.

During the same service they were reported to the competent Administrative Authority three people ex art. 75 DPR 309/90 with total seizure of approximately 5 g of hashish-type drugs intended for personal use. The activities of the institute of the commands of the Arma will continue in order to increase the controls and the active presence of the Institution on the territory, an essential strategy for the Provincial Command of Perugia, which is daily committed to strengthening the sense of security among citizens in the many local areas of the Perugia area.

Umbria: Nuovo Codice della Strada, denunciate 4 persone, segnalate 3 e ritirate 5 patenti

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