Spoleto (PG): he tries to escape with 5 doses of cocaine, the Carabinieri arrest a 24-year-old

A 24-year-old man arrested by the Carabinieri for possession of narcotics with intent to sell.

Spoleto (PG): he tries to escape with 5 doses of cocaine, the Carabinieri arrest a 24-year-old

In the last few days the Carabinieri of the Spoleto Company have a 24-year-old arrested in flagrante delicto, of Albanian origins, responsible for possession for the purpose of trafficking of narcotic substances.
In detail, the military personnel of the Operational and Radiomobile Nucleus, within the scope of services prepared to counteract the specific phenomenon, noticed the subject, who immediately appeared suspicious due to his attitude. while he was on board his car, parked in a parking lot, inside which there was also a passenger, a 19 year old.
Meanwhile the Carabinieri were approaching, the young driver tried to evade control by driving away with the car and then got stuck in a narrow passage.
Once reached, the operators performed a vehicle and personal searches, during which they were found and seized, in the possession of the driver, approximately 5 g of cocaine-type drugs, divided into 9 doses.

Spoleto (PG): tenta di fuggire con 5 dosi di cocaina, i Carabinieri arrestano un 24enne
The two, both Albanians, with specific criminal records and no fixed abode, were taken to the barracks for the relevant checks and, subsequently, on the basis of the relevant circumstantial evidence collected, the 24 year old was declared under arrest and transferred to the security cell of the Carabinieri Company of Assisi, awaiting the celebration of the direct trial, while the second was reported at liberty, for the similar hypothesis of crime.
Following the hearing before the Judge of Spoleto, the arrest was validated. The persons under preliminary investigation are presumed innocent.

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