Perugia: Two robberies in competition at the “Chico Mendez” park, two 16-year-olds reported

two robbers reported

Perugia: Two robberies in competition at the “Chico Mendez” park, two 16-year-olds reported

The Carabinieri of the Radiomobile Section of the Perugia Company They have reported two 16-year-olds at liberty, considered responsible for two episodes of robbery in competition consumed in the late morning of Tuesday 3 December inside the public park "Chico Mendez" of the capital. In detail, from what emerged from the results of timely investigations conducted by the military, the two young men allegedly approached five teenagers who were crossing the green area to reach the “Mini Metrò-Cortonese” stop, threatening them and jostling them, taking the wallet of one of them.

Always near the same park, they allegedly threatened and blocked two other boys, making them hand over a few coins contained in the wallet of one of the injured parties. The immediate searches carried out by the operators, who intervened following a report received by the Single Emergency Number – NUE – 112, they allowed the two minors to be identified and reported to the Juvenile Prosecutor's Office of Perugia.

The episodes described constitute a useful opportunity to once again invite citizens, potentially involved in similar cases, to immediately contact the Carabinieri Stations. territorially competent or send reports to the Single Emergency Number – NUE – 112, so as to allow for timely and effective investigations into such criminal actions, coordinated by the competent Judicial Authority, useful for tracing those responsible for such crimes.

Perugia: Due rapine in concorso al parco “Chico Mendez”, denunciati due 16enni

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