Perugia, attempted robbery and resistance to a public official. The Carabinieri arrest a 14-year-old
The intervention of the military followed a report received by the Single Emergency Number 112, regarding an attempted robbery where the young man had threatened a peer to obtain money.
Perugia, attempted robbery and resistance to a public official. The Carabinieri arrest a 14-year-old
In the last few days the Carabinieri of the Radiomobile Section of the Perugia Company have proceeded a 14-year-old was arrested for the crimes of attempted aggravated robbery and resisting a public official.
The intervention of the military followed a report received by the Single Emergency Number – NUE – 112, regarding an attempted robbery that had taken place in Piazza della Repubblica, where the young man had threatened a peer to obtain money.
The minor's action was stopped thanks to the intervention of the victim's father, who prevented the commission of the crime and allowed the Carabinieri to stop him immediately after the fact.
The young man, right from the start, carried out aggressive conduct towards the officers, threatening and insulting them, continuing his violent behaviour even later, during the routine checks.
Further investigations by the judicial police allowed them to connect the 14-year-old to another robbery committed shortly before at a minimetro stop, where, after having threatened a peer, he had managed to get the latter to hand over 50 euros.
The minor, placed at the disposal of the Chief Prosecutor Flaminio Monteleone, following the arrest was subjected to a validation trial for the crimes of resisting a Public Official and attempted robbery aggravated in complicity, following which, the contested criminal hypotheses having been confirmed, the measure of community placement was applied by the GIP at the Juvenile Court, also in reference to the crime of aggravated robbery in complicity for which he had been reported at large.
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