Perugia. 7 young people, including 3 minors, responsible for thefts in the historic center, were tracked down and reported.
A group of 7 boys, including 3 minors aged 15, 16 and 17, who immediately fled into the nearby streets trying to escape the control of the operators.
Perugia. 7 young people, including 3 minors, responsible for thefts in the historic center, were tracked down and reported.
The Carabinieri of the Radiomobile Section of the Perugia Company and of the Ponte San Giovanni Station, on the night of last Saturday, April 27, intervened in the historic center where, around 04.40, residents in Via Matteoli reported at least a dozen young people seen kicking parked cars.
Having reached the area of interest, the military tracked down some of the indicated people, a group of 7 boys, including 3 minors aged 15, 16 and 17, who immediately fled into the nearby streets trying to escape the control of the operators.
They were chased and stopped by the Carabinieri found in possession of objects, including some gold jewellery, which they were unable to justify their possession of, therefore, with the assistance of personnel from the Perugia Police Headquarters, they were accompanied to Via Ruggia, the headquarters of the Provincial Command of the Arma.
The resulting investigations, which lasted for several hours as the conduct initially revealed could have been multiple, made it possible to establish that those arrested corresponded to the perpetrators of at least two residential burglaries perpetrated shortly before in the aforementioned area.
In fact, part of the stolen goods found in their availability were recognized and returned to as many victims invited to the barracks in the morning, while for the remaining objects recovered, further checks are underway aimed at establishing other possible hypotheses of crimes committed during the night, so as to trace the respective owners.
During the investigation it emerged that one of those arrested, A 23-year-old of Tunisian origins, with no fixed abode, he was burdened by an expulsion order issued by the Perugia Police Chief on 2 January, which is why he was accompanied to the CPR – Repatriation Detention Centre in Rome Ponte Galeria for subsequent procedures.
At the end of the judicial police activities, the 7 young people were reported at liberty to the Public Prosecutor's Office for Minors and to the Public Prosecutor's Office of Perugia for the crime of theft in a home in competition.
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