Magione: Illicit intermediation and exploitation of labor, the Carabinieri arrest a 45-year-old

He exploited four non-EU workers, all of whom were Indian nationals, two of whom did not have a regular work contract or residence permit.

Magione: Illicit intermediation and exploitation of labor, the Carabinieri arrest a 45-year-old.

The Carabinieri of the Perugia Labor Inspectorate, assisted in the executive capacity by the military of the local Carabinieri Station, personnel of the Perugia Territorial Labor Inspectorate and cultural mediators of the International Organization for Migration, have arrested in flagrante delicto a 45-year-old Italian citizen, held responsible for illicit intermediation and aggravated labor exploitation for having employed non-EU citizens without a regular residence permit.

The investigative activity, carried out as part of the multi-agency project “ALT Caporalato DUE”, financed by the Migration Policies fund of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, led the military to ascertain that the man, owner of an equestrian center, exploited 4 non-EU workers, all of Indian nationality, two of whom did not have a regular work contract or residence permit.

All workers were found to be employed in exploitative conditions in view of a systematic remuneration clearly different from that provided for by national collective agreements and disproportionate to the work performed, in violation of the legislation relating to working hours and weekly rest, in violation of the legislation on safety and hygiene in the workplace, such as to expose them to danger for their health, safety and personal safety and to their subjection to particularly degrading housing conditions, as well as in some episodes victims of threats in the workplace.

Furthermore, the initial investigation activities revealed repeated violations of the regulations governing the protection of workers' health and safety in the workplace, including the failure to carry out health surveillance of employees exposed daily to biological risks caused by the presence of animal excrement and parasites, failure to train employees, failure to adapt the workplace with first aid supplies, failure to deliver personal protective equipment, failure to identify personnel responsible for managing emergencies.

In order to prevent the repetition of the crime of exploitation and to safeguard the health and safety of the workers, the operatives seized a small portion of a building and a wooden prefabricated building where the irregularly employed workers were housed and hosted in degrading living conditions.
During the investigations, fines of approximately 17.000,00 euros were imposed.
For the same violations in competition, the partner, a 40-year-old Italian woman, managing partner of the same company, was reported at liberty.

At the end of the investigations, the man was declared under arrest for the hypotheses of the crime indicated above and as ordered by the Public Prosecutor of Perugia, he was subjected to the precautionary measure of house arrest at the disposal of the proceeding Judicial Authority, while the workers who were victims of exploitation and did not have a regular residence permit were placed in a reception facility in the area on an emergency basis.

Magione: intermediazione illecita e sfruttamento del lavoro, i Carabinieri arrestano un 45enne.

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