
Fossato di Vico, residential burglaries. The Carabinieri chase a stolen car with burglary tools inside. The occupants flee

In the early evening of last Saturday, the Carabinieri, as part of their institutional activities to control the territory, in particular aimed at combating home burglaries, put a gang of thieves to flight.

Fossato di Vico (Perugia), residential burglaries. The Carabinieri chase a stolen car with burglary tools inside. The occupants flee

In the early evening of last Saturday, the Carabinieri of the Gubbio Company, as part of the institutional activities of territorial control, in particular aimed at combating home burglaries, put a gang of thieves to flight.

In detail, around 20.00 pm, during a patrol, a patrol from the Fossato di Vico Station (Perugia) noticed a suspicious car, parked, with the engine running and the lights off, with three occupants inside.
Having intuited that they could be individuals dedicated to apartment burglaries, the soldiers decided to proceed with the check but at that very moment the car started speeding away and fled.

Fossato di Vico, furti in abitazione. I Carabinieri inseguono una autovettura rubata con all'interno arnesi da scasso. Gli occupanti si danno alla fuga

The soldiers began chasing the vehicle until they forced the driver to take a dead-end road; at that point, the occupants abandoned the car and dispersed on foot into a surrounding rural area.

Further investigations allowed the Carabinieri to verify that the car had been stolen shortly before in Perugia and that numerous burglary tools were found and seized inside.

After completing the investigations, the officers tracked down the owner for the subsequent return of the car.
Investigations are underway to identify the occupants.

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