Città di Castello: Drug dealing in front of the disco, 1 arrest and 3 reports by the Carabinieri

The Carabinieri arrested a person in the act of the crime of possession of narcotics for the purpose of dealing and reported three other individuals at liberty for the same crime.

Città di Castello: Drug dealing in front of the disco, 1 arrest and 3 reports by the Carabinieri

In night between Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th January, during a targeted service of prevention and repression of the phenomenon of drug dealing, the Carabinieri of the Operational and Radiomobile Nucleus of the Città di Castello Company They checked dozens of people near a well-known discotheque of the Tifernate town, ascertaining the possession of multiple doses for the purpose of dealing of narcotic substances by some young people who were hanging around the premises.

In particular, a 30 year old from the province of Siena, with previous specific regarding possession for the purpose of dealing narcotic substances, was found in possession of 13 doses of cocaine e 6 doses of ketamine well hidden among the clothes. Therefore, following the investigations, he was taken into custody arrest, a provision validated by the Judge following the summary trial which then ordered the obligation to report to the Judicial Police.

During the service others three subjects, aged between 24 and 31 years, coming from other locations in the province of Perugia, were found at the guide of their respective cars under the influence of narcotic substances, such as cocaine, ecstasy and hashish.

The three were reported to the Public Prosecutor's Office of the capital and reported to the Prefecture of Perugia for the further investigations that will follow, according to the new Highway Code legislation which provides for the increase in sanctions with the license withdrawal , confiscation of the vehicle.

Città di Castello: Spaccio davanti alla discoteca, 1 arresto e 3 denunce da parte dei Carabinieri

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