Città di Castello: Carabinieri visit the elderly for Christmas greetings
the gun meets the elders
Città di Castello: Carabinieri visit the elderly for Christmas greetings
The most affectionate and sincere wishes, those that the Carabinieri of the Città di Castello Company wanted to give to the elderly of the "Casa quartiere centro diurno San Francesco di Sales", in view of Christmas. A very heartfelt meeting with which the military of the Arma, represented by the commander of the Company, Capt. Massimiliano Croce, and the commander of the Station, Lieutenant Fabrizio Capalti, between smiles and hugs they wanted to show their closeness to the weaker groups, bringing a word of comfort to alleviate loneliness during these Christmas holidays.
To make the moment even more enjoyable was the visit of the mayor Luca Secondi, who arrived with the councilor for social policies Benedetta Calagreti and the head of the municipal Office for Citizenship, Minors, Families and the Elderly, Lorenza Scateni. The visit was very much enjoyed by the elderly guests but also by the nuns and the operators who with great dedication pay every attention every day to make the stay in the facility as comfortable as possible.
In this regard, the dear guests, in thanking the Carabinieri and the municipal administration for the gesture of closeness and solidarity, told of their positive experience inside the residence, an ancient Augustinian convent with a garden and recently renovated rooms, made even more pleasant by the modernity of the rooms and the efficiency of the assistance services provided. The panettone and sparkling wines brought as gifts by the Carabinieri of the Tifernate town, concluded the visit with good wishes and all the good wishes that Christmas brings.
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