
Spoleto, the “We Demand Legality” competition ended yesterday with the awards ceremony

The 7th edition of the "We Pretend Legality" competition organized by the State Police in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Merit ended yesterday in Spoleto with the awards ceremony. The project involved primary and secondary school students from various Italian provinces.

Spoleto (Perugia), the “Pretendiamo Legalità” competition ended yesterday with the awards ceremony

The State Police, with the consolidated collaboration of the Ministry of Education and Merit organized the 7th edition of the Project Competition “We demand legality” that has involving primary and secondary school students from 80 Italian provinces in recent months.

The project, which has the in order to stimulate students' reflections on the topic of legality, aims to raise awareness and make students responsible for respect for the rules, solidarity and inclusion, which represent the fundamental points of reference for the growth of tomorrow's citizens and for the construction of a more just society. Land participating schools participated in a series of meetings and insights with specialized State Police personnel and they developed works that were evaluated as part of a national selection.

The awards ceremony for the best entries took place yesterday morning at the Institute for Superintendents of the State Police in Spoleto.

At the event, as well as students and teachers, The Police Chief of Perugia, Dr. Fausto Lamparelli, participated, il Head of the School Office Provincial Dr. Fabrizio Fratini, representing of the Ministry of Education and Merit, Police Chief of Rieti dr. Mauro Fabozzi, as well as the Director of the Institute for Superintendents of the Spoleto State Police, Dr. Maria Teresa Panone.

Also guest of the ceremony was the judo athlete Luca Poeta of the Fiamme Oro Sports Group of the State Police.

The awarded children were hosted at the Institute for Superintendents of Spoleto (Perugia) and had the opportunity to meet and participate in operational and demonstrative activities of the State Police, together with the units of the canine and bomb disposal departments.

Furthermore, an exhibition area has been set up Blue Coach, historic and modern cars of the State Police like the Lamborghini and the Fullback of the Scientific Police.

During the ceremony they were awarded, in categories "Figurative arts", “Cine TV” and "Graphic Novel” as well as with the “Special Mention from the Commission”, the Primary School “Falcone and Borsellino” from Vignanello (Viterbo), the Comprehensive Institute "Don L. Milani” from Ariano Irpino (Avellino), the Artistic high school “Elena Princess of Naples” of Rieti and'Comprehensive school “Raffaella Piria” from Scilla (Reggio Calabria).

The arguments covered by the papers they covered different thematic macro areas, broken down by age group and educational level. In particular, for primary schools the following have been identified temi: “Friendship = Peace”: educate children about tolerance, respect, solidarity and non-violence to practice the culture of peace and promote peaceful, just and inclusive societies that are free from fear and violence; “Nature = Sustainable Development”: reflection on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the planet released by the United Nations in the 2030 Agenda. The importance of recycling and reusing to improve the health of the planet; “Constitution = Inclusion”: inclusion as a central principle of the Constitution as well as a fundamental value of the school. Reflections on articles 3, 34 and 38 of the Constitution which respectively establish the principle of equality, the right to education and the integration of people with disabilities.

For lower and lower secondary schools, instead, i proposed themes were: “Digital citizenship and online safety”: analysis and reflections on the potential and risks of the internet such as cyberbullying, with insights into the problem of gambling addiction and the risks of so-called "pay games". Reflections on article 21 of the Constitution which establishes the freedom to express one's thoughts through speech and the responsible use of virtual means of communication to stem phenomena such as online hatred (haters, body shaming and revenge porn); “Education in affectivity, respect, empathy”: promoting the role of young people as leaders of positive change to build more inclusive cities and societies against the forms of racism, intolerance and hate speech that are also on the rise among young people, inside and outside of school, with particular reference to violence gender, sports culture (sports fair play and respect between fans) and respect for road rules.

The winning project of the “PretenDiamo legalità” competition in the category “Graphic Novel” will be published in the next edition of “Commissioner Mascherpa”, detective comic of the State Police.

Spoleto, si è conclusa ieri con la cerimonia di premiazione il concorso "Pretendiamo Legalità"

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