Perugia: violates the restraining order and attacks his mother, arrested.

A 30-year-old man born in Ivory Coast arrested by the Carabinieri for assaulting his mother and violating restrictive measures.

Perugia: violates the restraining order and attacks his mother, arrested.

I Carabinieri of the Radiomobile Section of the Perugia Company they arrested a man in flagrante delicto 30 year old born in Ivory Coast, accused of violating the ban on approaching places frequented by the offended person and reported for abuse in the family.

The request for help and the intervention

The intervention was activated thanks to a request for help to the Single Emergency Number (NUE) 112 carried out by the young man's mother, a woman of 56 years, who reported an assault in progress at his home in Corciano (PG).

The soldiers, who arrived immediately on the scene, found the woman with obvious signs of violence on the faceThe victim, visibly shaken, told the Carabinieri that she had been attacked by her son, also confirming a series of previous episodes of domestic violence.

The arrest and the judge's orders

After the checks carried out, the man was arrested for violation of restrictive measures already in place against him.

The arrest was validated by the Judge of the Court of Perugia, which ordered the application of the measure of ban on residence in the municipality of Corciano for the 30-year-old.

This episode once again underlines the importance of timely intervention by law enforcement to ensure the safety of the most vulnerable people and combat domestic violence.

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