
Perugia and province: Control of the territory, 7 people reported to the Judicial Authority and 4 driving licenses withdrawn

Territory control in Perugia and province, 7 people reported and 4 licenses withdrawn

Perugia and province: Control of the territory, 7 people reported to the Judicial Authority and 4 driving licenses withdrawn

The Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Perugia, taking advantage of the widespread presence of the dependent Company and Station Commands, are by intensifying territorial control activities through careful planning and an effective use of resources, in order to prevent and combat the various forms of illegality more effectively.

In this context, in recent days, in the numerous municipalities of the Province and along the main communication arteries, The Carabinieri of the aforementioned offices have found various violations of the law in different sectors, proceeding to the seven people reported at liberty to the Public Prosecutor's Offices of Perugia and Spoleto, one of whom was also reported to the local Prefecture for being a drug user. In particular, the various devices deployed on the territory, they also paid particular attention to aspects related to road safety.

Città della Pieve

A 31 year old from outside the region, stopped while driving her car and subjected to a breathalyser test, she was found to be in a state of alcohol intoxication with a level of 0.93g/l, for which her driving licence was withdrawn. The passenger of the same vehicle, however, a 32 year old local man, was reported for threatening and insulting a public official because, in an evident state of psychophysical alteration probably due to alcohol abuse, he uttered threatening and insulting phrases towards the operating military personnel.

Città di Castello

– a 36 year old Albanian, subjected to a breathalyser test following a road accident in which he was involved alone, he tested positive for blood alcohol with a level of 2,54 g/l, therefore it was achieved withdrawal of the driving licence and seizure of the vehicle;
– a 24 year old resident outside the region, stopped and checked in that center, he was found in possession of 0,87 g of a drug of the “hashish” type, which was seized;
– a 22-year-old Ukrainian, caught driving with symptoms compatible with previous alcohol consumption, subjected to breathalyser test, he was found to be in a state of alcohol intoxication with a level of 1,54 g/l, for which his driving license was withdrawn.


A 28 year old of Albanian origin, stopped while driving his car and checked, he was found in possession of 3 g of cocaine-type drugs, divided into 5 equal-weight ovules, as well as 75 euros, believed to be the proceeds of the illegal activity. What was found was seized.


A 46 year old local, following a self-driving accident, was subjected to a breathalyser test and reported because he tested positive with a blood alcohol level of 1,96g/l, with his license revoked.

The institutional activities of the Arma commands will continue in order to increase the controls and the active presence of the Institution on the territory, an essential strategy for the Provincial Command of Perugia, daily engaged in strengthening the sense of security among citizens in the many local realities of Perugia.

Perugia e provincia: Controllo del territorio, denunciate 7 persone all’Autorità Giudiziaria e ritirate 4 patenti di guida

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