Vico moat and Sigillo. 26-year-old Italian arrested for possession of narcotic substances: checks continue in the area.

Intense territorial control activity during the weekend. The Carabinieri report a person to the Judicial Authority.

Fossato di Vico and Sigillo (PG). 26-year-old Italian boy arrested for possession of narcotic substances: checks continue in the area.

The Carabinieri from the Gubbio Company, together with personnel from the Fossato di Vico and Sigillo stations, as part of the usual preventive activity prepared on the occasion of the services aimed at combating the phenomenon of the weekend nightlife, have proceeded to check a 26-year-old boy, resident in the area, who immediately appeared agitated.
The operatives, believing that he could possess narcotics, they carried out a personal and vehicular search and found, inside a case for glasses, a cellophane wrapper containing 2,1 g of cocaine.
The search operations also extended to thehome of the young man, where the military found a further 4,1 grams of hashish and 40 grams of marijuana, together with a precision scale and two knives with clear signs of drug residues, of the hashish type, on the blades.
The narcotic and the material found were seized while the young man was reported in a state of freedom to the Public Prosecutor's Office of Perugia, as he was held responsible for detention for the purpose of dealing narcotic substances.
During the activities, 20 vehicles and over 30 people were also checked, fines for violations of the highway code were contested and they were caught with a small quantity of drugs:
- a boy who, outside a well-known bar in the town of Sigillo, in the sight of the patrol, hid a container inside his trousers. The personal search on the subject allowed find two joints containing tobacco mixed with hashish hidden inside the pack of cigarettes, for a total weight of 2 g;
- three young people, who, on board a parked car along the Via Flaminia, following a check, were caught while consuming two joints containing tobacco mixed with hashish for a total weight of 0,8 g. The vehicle search revealed a further 1,9 g of hashish-type drugs, hidden near the handbrake of the car, available to the driver.
All four young people were reported to the Prefecture of Perugia for the possession of narcotic substances for personal use and the additional sanction of the driver's driving license being withdrawn.

Fossato di Vico e Sigillo (PG). Fermato ragazzo 26enne italiano per possesso di sostanze stupefacenti: continuano i controlli sul territorio.

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