
Vigevano: hit by a European Arrest Warrant, arrested by an off-duty Carabiniere

Once the identity of the subject was ascertained, a European Arrest Warrant issued by France was issued against him, in which he was charged with criminal association aimed at committing thefts and robberies.

Vigevano: hit by a European Arrest Warrant, he is arrested by an off-duty Carabiniere.

The Mobile Radio Section of the Vigevano Carabinieri Company arrested SCM, a 33-year-old of Romanian origin, pursuant to a European Arrest Warrant.

In Vigevano (PV), a superintendent of the above-mentioned Radiomobile Section, while travelling, off duty, along this Viale Industria, noticed the defendant, driving a Citroen car, reported in recent days as a possible vehicle used by an arrestee.

After contacting the Operations Centre and requesting assistance from another Radiomobile crew, the soldier immediately proceeded to stop the vehicle, preventing it from leaving the scene and disappearing.

Once the identity of the subject was ascertained, a European Arrest Warrant issued by France was issued against him, in which he was charged with criminal association aimed at committing thefts and robberies.

After completing the formal procedures, the arrested person was taken to the Vigevano prison.

Vigevano: colpito da un Mandato di Arresto Europeo, viene arrestato da Carabiniere libero dal servizio.

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