Sedilo, intensification of checks by the Carabinieri. 49-year-old reported for possession of narcotics

The Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Oristano continue to carry out checks, especially for the prevention and repression of illicit drug trafficking, also with the help of the Operational Teams and the Canine Units.

Sedilo (Oristano), intensification of checks by the Carabinieri. 49-year-old reported for possession of narcotics

In the evening, within the scope of the implementation of targeted extraordinary territorial control services with a “HIGH IMPACT” agreed upon with the Prefect and the Police Forces at the Provincial Committee for Public Order and Safety, the Carabinieri of the Ghilarza Company, in the meantime they were busy with checks in the municipality of Sedilo and surrounding areas, they reported at large to the Judicial Authority a 49-year-old foreign man who, intercepted on board a car in the streets of the center of Abbasanta, despite the order to stop by the Military, fled in the direction of the industrial area of ​​Norbello and, having reached the vicinity of the Eurospin commercial establishment, threw drugs out of the window and continued to flee.

The pursuit by the Carabinieri continued until the sports field in Norbello where the subject was finally stopped, identified and subjected to a search.

Sedilo, intensificazione dei controlli da parte dei Carabinieri

The total amount of narcotic drugs recovered consisted of cocaine-type drugs divided into four doses and hidden inside a cigarette packet weighing a total of 6 grams.

During the same service, aimed at raising the level of prevention and the fight against crimes not only in the city of Oristano but also in the provincial centers, the following were identified and checked: 21 people (of which 6 with police records), 16 vehicles and 2 public establishments.

This seizure removes from the illegal market one of the drugs that unfortunately is now consumed by all age groups of the population. The Carabinieri believe that the cocaine was ready to be sold in the upcoming weekend.

However, the Arma is always committed to raising awareness of the negative consequences to health, social relationships and criminal records that drug use entails, especially towards young people with awareness campaigns in schools.

The checks by the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Oristano continue, especially for the prevention and repression of illicit drug trafficking, also with the help of the Operational Teams and the canine units of the Carabinieri Cacciatori Squadron of Abbasanta (OR).

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