Oristano: Coordinated service across the board, 8 people reported

coordinated service of extraordinary control of the territory in the capital and in the municipalities of the province

Oristano: Coordinated service across the board, 8 people reported

The crime prevention activity ordered by the Provincial Command intensifies on weekends. The Carabinieri of the three Companies (Oristano, Mogoro and Ghilarza) they carried out a coordinated service of extraordinary control of the territory in the capital and in the municipalities of the province aimed at controlling public establishments, road traffic, for the prevention of the so-called "Saturday night massacres" and to combat drug dealing and drug use among young people, through an intensification of controls on the territory and on communication arteries, also focusing on some peripheral and little frequented areas.

Oristano: Servizio coordinato a largo raggio, 8 persone denunciate

In total, 760 people were identified and checked (of which 130 were burdened by police records), 370 vehicles, 6 traffic violations issued, 6 public establishments checked; furthermore:

  • ad Oristano a person was reported at liberty to the Judicial Authority because he was considered responsible for aggravated theft; after having forced the door of a car regularly parked near the San Martino Hospital, he stole a wallet and then used the credit cards found inside to pay for goods in a shopping centre in the capital;
  • a Morgongiori (OR) four people have been reported at liberty because they were responsible for possession of narcotics for the purpose of dealing and illegal possession of ammunition. During local searches, the following were found and seized: a gram of hashish and a gram of marijuana, a precision scale, 23 illegally held 12 gauge cartridges;
  • ad Albagiara (OR) and Usellus (OR), two people have been reported at liberty at the Public Prosecutor's Office of Oristano because, during a routine road traffic check, they were caught driving their respective cars with an alcohol level above the legal limit. Driving licenses have been withdraw immediately;
  • a Nurachi (OR) a person was reported at liberty because she is held responsible for detention for the purposes of drug dealing and receiving stolen cultural goods. During a local search carried out on the initiative, they were 60 grams of marijuana, one gram of hashish and 19 fragments of amphorae were found and seized Roman era of presumed cultural interest. The archaeological finds have been entrusted to the Superintendency of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape of Cagliari to qualify their cultural interest, era and value.

Oristano: Servizio coordinato a largo raggio, 8 persone denunciate

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