Oristano: 140 thousand euro intervention, the redevelopment of the Parco della Resistenza begins
Redevelopment of the Resistance Park
Oristano: 140 thousand euro intervention, the redevelopment of the Parco della Resistenza begins
For the most important green lung of the city, which extends over a surface area of 2 and a half hectares, with pedestrian paths developed for approximately 350 metres, a dog area, fitness and play areas, a small lake and rest areas, a series of works are planned that will make it fully usable, thanks to the removal of architectural barriers, the creation of areas equipped for sports, equipped play areas and care of the greenery.
"The Parco della Resistenza is an important point of reference for the city's environmental system – observes the Mayor Massimiliano Sanna – An area very popular and appreciated by young people and children, the elderly, students and families and dog owners, who choose it to spend their free time, socialize and take a peaceful walk. With this project we want to encourage the spread of an environmental and sustainable culture, promoting outdoor sports and the use of spaces suitable for socializing of all age groups.".
"The park is located in a strategic point of the city, near residential settlements, schools, sports facilities, offices and the Church of San Giuseppe, in a passage point that opens towards the most beautiful seaside locations on the Oristano coast – he adds the Councilor for the Environment Maria Bonaria Zedda – It is a very beautiful illuminated and video-monitored area that already hosts tall trees and trees and shrubs, an artificial lake where geese, ducks and turtles live, accessible via walkways, equipped with games for children, seats and bins for waste collection and an area dedicated to fitness. Thanks to the funding from the Region we have the opportunity to further enhance it with interventions that will improve its usability by all citizens.".
With a management decision, the Municipality has entrusted the agronomist Giovanni Antonio Appeddu with the task of preparing the feasibility and executive project and the management of the works, indicating the general lines of intervention.
The Refurbishment of existing internal walkways, uneven and with steps that do not allow complete accessibility for disabled people; the setting up of an equipped fitness area; maintenance and replacement of existing games with the creation of a new play area with spaces dedicated to sand and water in the open air.
Among the interventions, also the replacement of damaged or missing furniture, benches and bins, and the creation of a LED lighting system powered by photovoltaic panels, of part of the pedestrian paths.
"Particular attention will be paid to greenery with the planting of new tall trees, evergreen and deciduous, to avoid having completely bare areas in winter - specifies Councilor Zedda -. The resurfacing of the green lawn areas and the irrigation system (where necessary) with a soil humidity detection system and the positioning of drinking water fountains is also planned. They will be the hedges around the park's perimeter will be rearranged and an assessment of the stability of the trees will be carried out".
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