Oristano: A year of intense commitment and targeted actions, building models of prevention and fight against illegality that are ever closer to the needs and expectations of citizens
2024 was a year of intense commitment for the Carabinieri of Oristano. Over 86000 people were checked, in road traffic, in public places and in work activities and 664 searches were carried out
Oristano: A year of intense commitment and targeted actions, building models of prevention and fight against illegality that are ever closer to the needs and expectations of citizens
Overall, the following have been carried out 136 arrests e 1039 people reported to the Judicial Authority. Carried out 915 Public Order services and employed a total of over 1.800 soldiers, both Provincial Command that the 9th Carabinieri Battalion “Sardegna” of Cagliari, especially during the Protests against the transport of wind turbines to the industrial port of Oristano of summer 2024.
The institutional commitment of the Carabinieri in the Province has been continuous. The operational objectives pursued have been the result of work aimed at finding models of prevention and contrast to forms of illegality that are increasingly in line with the needs of citizens: theincrease in professional training of military personnel on specific matters related to the resurgence of some particular criminal phenomena, but also on technical-scientific investigations, on new technologies and platforms for interaction with citizens, such as 112 NUE, also for the deaf;intensification of awareness campaigns on the crimes most harmful to vulnerable people, by holding meetings in town halls or parishes of small towns.
The challenges that have characterized the year just ended have seen the Carabinieri play a central role in the fight against common crime e in particular to that predatory (robberies and frauds), in a provincial capital and in 76 municipalities of the province where the force deals with 85% of the crimes, attempted or committed, and represents, in all the peripheral municipalities, the only police presence.
The resurgence of some particular criminal phenomena has determined, during the year, the use of resources aimed not only at counteraction, but also at prevention activities.
We detect a 3% decrease in overall crime (1904 crimes reported to the Carabinieri in 2024 and a front of 1962 in 2023), but attention must always remain high.
In the field of scams for the elderly (so-called fake Carabiniere and fake lawyer scams), to information and awareness campaigns some have been associated info-operational protocols, in synergy with i Provincial Commands of the Arma of Cagliari, Nuoro and Sassari, which have already allowed:
- the immediate arrest of 5 perpetrators, some of whom, carried out at the ports of Cagliari and Olbia while the criminals were boarding
on ferries; - the execution, in Campania, of a personal precautionary measure against an alleged perpetrator;
- the identification of 5 other alleged perpetrators;
- the issuing of 2 mandatory expulsion orders requested from the Police Chief of Oristano;
in the knowledge that the support and contribution of the victims, in this as in other cases, can really make the difference.
This inter-provincial model of contrast applied by the operational branches of the Carabinieri is even more necessary and effective in Sardinia, where serious episodes of assault on cash-in-transit vehicles have caused great social alarm.
Although the Province of Oristano has not been affected by these phenomena, great attention has been paid to theintensification of checks on road arteries and to sensitive targets with extraordinary territorial control services and the support of the Operational Teams of the Helicopter Squadron Hunters Sardinia of Abbasanta and constant monitoring and reporting activities.
In general, we reiterate the importance of citizens' contribution in reporting ongoing criminal events to the police. The timeliness of reporting to the single emergency number and to the Operations Centers is often decisive, allowing a reduction in the response times of the police forces.
We hope that the Mayors will implement the video surveillance as reiterated also during the meetings of the Provincial Committee for Public Order and Safety chaired by the Prefect Dr. Salvatore Angieri. This approach is even more crucial in small towns, where the Carabinieri Stations guarantee a presence of legality, but also a “social glue”.
Interaction with citizens makes the implementation by the force of prevention and contrast models to forms of illegality more and more in line with the needs of protection and reassurance of the population effective.
The widespread diffusion of the Arma's facilities in the Municipalities allows not only immediate intervention but also the rapid activation of the superior operational joints (Companies of Oristano, Ghilarza and Mogoro and the Provincial Command of the Capital).
In the most serious criminal events that occurred in the capital and in the province, the force intervened both with immediate interventions and with investigations, sometimes detailed and complex:
- as in February 2024, In a attempted robbery at a bank in Santa Giusta, with the arrest of a robber still inside the offices and the subsequent tracking of the accomplice, 3 days later, already boarded the ferry in Cagliari to escape to the “continent”;
- as in July 2024, with 3 arrests carried out following investigations into a robbery at a post office in Ollastra which took place in December 2023 and another 7 arrests carried out between July and November following investigations into an attempted murder in December 2023, which arose from drug dealing and illegal possession of weapons;
- as in August, with a Arrest carried out within hours following a murder happened at night in Santa Giusta.
Regarding theanti-drug activity, the military of Provincial Command, with the support of the Helicopter Squadron “Cacciatori Sardegna” and 11th Elmas Carabinieri Helicopter Unit, through constant monitoring and information activities, have proceeded with 38 arrests, 60 reports to the Judicial Authority, 87 reports to the Prefect for possession of narcotics for personal use, 691 kg of marijuana seized, 4 large plantations of several thousand plants of cannabis indicates, 2kg. of cocaine (of which a large part in the capital, in via Gennargentu).
Finally, we cannot fail to mention the attention paid, in institutional activity, to protection of vulnerable victims. The numbers recorded in terms of red code, unfortunately, tend to increase, as demonstrated by the arrests, referrals to sl, precautionary measures issued by the judicial authority, and the management of over 150 codes for electronic bracelets, indicative of the high incidence of these types of crimes on the territory.
- The force, which has seen the "operational" in Oristano for a year now,A room of one's own“, Created in collaboration with Soroptimist-Italy, will continue to constitute a garrison of legality in this sector too, hoping that this may contribute to determining a drastic reduction of the phenomenon.
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