Oristano: house arrest for crimes committed in livestock farms
Oristano: house arrest for crimes committed in livestock farms
The Carabinieri of the Anti-Adulteration and Health Unit of Sassari, with the support of the territorial force of the Abbasanta Station (OR), have executed a precautionary measure of house arrest against a trader of livestock residing in the Oristano area.
Issued by the Preliminary Investigations Judge of the Oristano court, for the crime under art. 440 of the penal code (adulteration and counterfeiting of food substances), the restrictive measure refers to a repeated administration of drugs dangerous to human health to fattening cattle, which was not (mandatory) recorded in the national veterinary database of the Ministry of Health, with the consequence of sending livestock to be treated, slaughtered and then into the food chain, before the necessary decay time of the active ingredient of the aforementioned pharmaceutical products has elapsed.
The coercive measure applied arises from a complex investigation activity carried out by the military of the NAS Sassari, through observation and control services, investigations also supported by technical activities and numerous activities of anagraphic/identification verification of cattle which have allowed the described criminal conduct to be brought to light.
The investigation led, among other things, to the preventive seizure (criminal): of a transit stable located in the province of Nuoro, of two farms in the Oristano area, always of fattening cattle and of a total of 485 heads of cattle as well as to discover, in the aforementioned central-western province of the island, two farms never notified to the competent Health Authorities.
Finally, in the province of Sassari, the local NAS has subjected to administrative seizure a transit stable attributable to the activities of the suspect, containing 70 cattle, in which irregularities in the identification and/or registration of the animals were detected.
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