Province of Nuoro: a sick man unable to move is left alone at home without electricity. The Carabinieri assist him by restoring the meter

On a quiet autumn day, a man, sick and unable to move, found himself in an emergency situation in his isolated home in the countryside of Serri.

Province of Nuoro: a sick man unable to move is left alone at home without electricity. The Carabinieri assist him by restoring the meter.

On a quiet autumn day a man, sick and unable to move, he found himself in an emergency situation in his isolated home in the countryside of Serri: the counter, located three hundred meters from his house, is snapped suddenly leaving him without electricity and without an internet connection, therefore without being able to use essential household appliances and without being able to contact the organization that assists him via the web.

In despair and in tears she decided to call 112. The Carabinieri of Gergei, understanding the gravity of the situation, intervened immediately: in a few minutes they arrived on the scene and, after reassuring the man who was struggling to justify himself, have reactivated the meter allowing him to have essential electricity again.

This timely intervention prevented the situation from getting worse, demonstrating once again the closeness of the Carabinieri to all communities, even, if not above all, to the smaller ones and those far from the big cities, as well as the importance of the Single Emergency Number 112, active 24 hours a day and available to everyone for any type of difficulty.

Provincia di Nuoro: un uomo malato e impossibilitato a muoversi rimane senza corrente elettrica in casa da solo. I Carabinieri lo assistono ripristinando il contatore

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