Nuoro, security plan for the end of year holidays
At the conference room of the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri of Nuoro, the Provincial Commander greeted the press and presented the generality of the operational results of the year 2024
Nuoro, security plan for the end of year holidays
At the conference room of the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri of Nuoro, the Provincial Commander, Colonel Gennaro Cassese, greeted the press and presented the general operating results for the year 2024.
He also highlighted how, as the end of the year approaches, the Provincial Carabinieri Command of Nuoro has prepared an extraordinary plan for territorial control and deterrence against illegal "firecrackers".
The device will be implemented through extraordinary patrol services that will involve the available personnel of all the branches of the Provincial Command, in particular of the 77 Stations and the Tenancy, of the Radiomobile Nuclei and of the Investigative Nucleus, as well as of the Carabinieri Squadriglie: a series of extraordinary services aimed at guaranteeing safety and respect for the law that will continue until next January 6th.
Hundreds of soldiers, employed, especially in the most critical areas of the Nuoro province, along the main roads (still too often the scene of serious accidents) and in residential areas, aimed at preventing and suppressing alcohol and drug abuse (over the course of the year, more than 250 people were reported and fined for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs).
But the end-of-year holidays are also harbingers of very serious accidents, sometimes even fatal, caused by the habit of lighting firecrackers and illegal fireworks. To contain the phenomenon, the Carabinieri are promoting an awareness and information campaign aimed especially at the youngest, who have had, again this year, the opportunity to meet with the Carabinieri Artificieri of the Investigative Unit of the Operations Department of Nuoro at schools, an opportunity to illustrate the risks that lie behind the improper use of fireworks and the serious danger in using illegal ones. But emphasis was also placed on the fact that even the careless use of legal fireworks can cause serious injuries, such as burns to the face and hands, and damage to the eyesight.
The activity of the bomb disposal experts of the Provincial Command of Nuoro is not limited to this: from January 1st to today, in fact, they have obtained the following results:
– interventions carried out: 31;
– remediation carried out: 4;
– post-explosion interventions: 4;
– civil explosives found: 3.898 gr;
– pyrotechnic explosive found: 4.078 gr;
– war devices found and cleared: 7
- 4 SRCM hand grenades;
- 2 mod. 59 rifle grenades;
- 1 SIPE hand grenade
– total explosives found: 7.976 gr
On this occasion, it is also worth highlighting the commitment of the Carabinieri in controlling the most remote, inaccessible and, in any case, rural areas of the province. With the activity carried out by the 8 Carabinieri Squadriglie present in the province, and with that of the Carabinieri of the Cacciatori di Sardegna helicopter squadron, also in 2024 the monitoring of that part of the territory less frequented by the "traditional" territorial control services was guaranteed, an activity that allowed the identification and seizure of large quantities of illegal hemp plants:
– plantations seized: 15 (over 23.000 cannabis plants);
– cannabis seized: 18 tons;
– people arrested: 30;
– people reported at liberty 40;
The end of the year, in conclusion, brings with it the summary of the daily commitment of the men of the Carabinieri:
– crimes prosecuted: 4708 (87.59% of the total);
– crimes discovered: 1478 cases (31.39%);
– persons reported at liberty: 1896;
– persons reported under arrest: 170;
– people checked: 191982
– controlled vehicles:138856
Among the most significant results it is worth mentioning:
– the fight against online fraud: despite a decrease of approximately 14% in reported crimes (641 in 2023, 562 in 2024), the number of crimes for which the perpetrators were discovered and reported increased by 17% (153 in 2023, 179 in 2024);
– the fight against scams targeting the elderly: in the face of an increase of approximately 16% in reported crimes (34 in 2023, 40 in 2024), the Carabinieri discovered and reported the perpetrators of the crimes in 45% more cases than in the previous year (9 in 2023, 13 in 2024);
– the commitment to the repression of red code crimes and gender violence, with over 180 complaints collected, 150 people reported and 12 arrests, as well as in prevention activities, with over a hundred meetings and conferences on the issues of safety and legality held in local schools and in meeting places of the weakest groups.
In underlining the commitment and professionalism of all the Nuoro Carabinieri, Colonel Cassese finally highlighted the importance of collaboration with other police forces, local institutions and citizens' associations, a synergy that has allowed us to obtain concrete results in the fight against crime and that allows us to look with confidence and serenity to the coming year.
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