The original soundtrack of Tenti da Squalo is out digitally today.
From today Friday 9 June the original soundtrack, signed by, will be available digitally MICHELE BRAGA and GABRIELE MAINETTI, from “SHARK TEETH” (published by Curci Editions), the debut feature film of David Gentile, which arrives in Italian cinemas from Thursday 8 June with Lucky Red.
To compose the music for this film, Michele Braga and Gabriele Mainetti started by writing simple melodies for a few instruments, such as the French horn, the dobro guitar or the wall piano, to symbolize the innocence of the young protagonist. At a later stage the themes that make up the original soundtrack of “Denti da Squalo” have been inserted into a context of indefinite and more complex electronic sounds, like the reality in which the young Walter, protagonist of the film, moves in search of his identity.
«Finding the right tone in such a delicate film was complicated – declares director Davide Gentile – After various comparisons and tests, with Michele Braga and Gabriele Mainetti we identified the best sounds and instruments, horn and piano above all, creating a poetic, incisive and memorable soundtrack».
The original music, recorded at the Forum Studio of Rome and mixed by Piernicola Di Muro at Wider Studio Music of Rome, they see the same Braga and Mainetti on piano and synthesizers, Luigi Ginesti on the French horn e Fabrizio Guarino to the guitars. The sound engineer also collaborated on the project Fabio Patrignani and the assistant engineer Davide Dell'Amore.
From an idea of Vlerio Cilio e Gianluca Leoncini, “Shark Teeth” di David Gentile is produced by Goon Films, Lucky Red, Ideacinema with Rai CinemaIn partnership with Prime Video. In the film Tiziano Menichelli, Stefano Rosci, Virginia Raffaele, with the extraordinary participation of Edward Fish and with mechanical Claudius Santamaria.
Set in the summer, “Shark Teeth” tells the story of Walter (played by Tiziano Menichelli), a 13-year-old boy who grows up too quickly following the sudden death of his father. In his apparently aimless wandering along the Roman coast, a fascinating and mysterious place captures his attention: an abandoned villa with a gigantic and murky swimming pool, in which the shark lives, the symbol par excellence of uncontrollable strength and fear.
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