Interview with actor Elijah Knight, cast member of the TV series Miss Fallaci.

Actor Elijah Knight is in the cast of the TV series Miss Fallaci presented at the Rome Film Fest. He tells

Interview with actor Elijah Knight, cast member of the TV series Miss Fallaci.

Actor Elijah Knight is in the cast of the TV series Miss Fallaci presented at the Rome Film Fest. It tells the life of the writer and journalist Oriana Fallaci, played by Miriam Leone, and is directed by Giacomo Martelli.

The interview:

  1. Elijah Knight from Zurich to Italy, what do you like about our country?
    Well, besides pasta and great pizza, I really like the culture of Italian cinema. In Rome, artists are not only seen as artists, but also as professionals; there is a real appreciation towards them. While we were filming in the capital, I could feel the whole history of this incredible city and cinema. It was an incredible experience to film in this atmosphere, the same as Federico Fellini.
  2. In Miss Fallaci you were called to play Neil, a soldier who enlists in the American army to fight for democracy, how was it to play this role?
    - It was a great honor because I served in the military years before, and right now we are in a moment where democracy is at stake. There will be an American election coming up that will have a huge impact on the world, the series deals with a very tense moment in World War II so I think this product could not have come out at a better time. Playing a soldier is truly a great honor, Nail is a guy ready to sacrifice himself for his country; a perfect combination of my love for acting and my ethical beliefs.
  3. You took part in the cast of Miss Fallaci directed by Luca Ribuoli, Giacomo Martelli, Alessandra Gonnella, presented these days at the Rome Film Festival, what are your thoughts on Oriana Falaci?
    - Oriana Fallaci is a heroine, a pioneer. She was the first female journalist to write in an authentic way and with a highly personal style. Ironic, a free spirit, courageous, innovative, she is a kind of blogger from another era. She could be defined as the precursor of bloggers..
  4. What was the motivation that pushed the director to choose you to play your role in Miss Fallaci?
    – You should ask him, we just had a great connection during my audition.
  5. Plans for the future?
    – I will organize a screening for when my episode comes out and watch it with my family and friends. Then there is another film that I was in, it is called The Safe directed by Uwe Schwaltzwalder.


The actor was born in Lausanne, Switzerland, on April 28, 1994.
In 2021 he starred in Prinzessin by Peter Luisi and the following year in Semret by Caterina Mona. He also starred in various short films, such as Nocturnal and Pic(k) me.
Elijah Knight – after graduating in Business from the University of St. Gallen – studied at the Giles Foreman Centre for Acting in London, The Groundlings and Ivana Chubbuck Studios in Los Angeles, and at the Tischler Studio in Zurich.

Elijah Knight è nel cast della serie tv Miss Fallaci.

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