Seveso: Carabinieri arrest two 15-year-olds for train robbery

The Carabinieri intercepted at the Seveso station the youths who had stolen a hat from a peer, under threat of a knife.

Seveso: Carabinieri arrest two 15-year-olds for train robbery

On the afternoon of November 1st, the Carabinieri of the Seregno Radiomobile Section two 15 year olds arrested, respectively resident in Cesate (MI) and Mozzate (CO), for the crime of robbery committed against an 18 year old, on board a train along the Como-Monza railway line. In the operation it was a third peer reported, resident in Longone al Segrino (CO).

In the late afternoon of the same day, the military were activated following a request for help, received by the emergency service by a passenger, who was traveling on board the train coming from Camnago and arrived at the Seveso station. The men of the Carabinieri reconstructed that the young man had been approached by three unknown boys. One of these had the “baseball-type” hat he was wearing was stolen and, faced with the victim's legitimate reaction, he had threatened by showing the latter a large knife which he was hiding under his jacket.

Seveso: Carabinieri arrestano due 15enni per una rapina sul treno

At that point the attackers are got off the convoy to escape. The victim, supported by the friends with whom she was travelling, followed them, managing to promptly point them out to the Carabinieri who had arrived on the scene in the meantime. At the end of the investigations, all those responsible were identified and conducted to the Company Command of Seregno, while the knife was recovered and seized.

On the basis of the elements collected and in order of the responsibilities ascertained, two of the three were declared under arrest, while the third was reported at large. As ordered by the Deputy Prosecutor at the Juvenile Prosecutor's Office of Milano, those arrested were transferred to the First Reception Centre “Cesare Beccaria” in Milano.

Seveso: Carabinieri arrestano due 15enni per una rapina sul treno

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