Monza presents SaporFare: an innovative project for social inclusion and the territory
The SaporFare Multifunctional Center will offer spaces for educational, cultural and social activities, with a strong commitment to sustainability and the enhancement of the territory.
Monza presents SaporFare: an innovative project for social inclusion and the territory.
The Alessio Tavecchio Onlus Foundation, together with the Municipality of Monza, is proud to present the SaporFare Multifunctional Center, a revolutionary project that combines social innovation, sustainability and territorial valorization.
The center will be built at the Agriparco Solidale “Accolti e Raccolti” and will represent a point of reference for educational, cultural and social activities in Monza and Brianza. The agreement for its construction was signed on November 27, 2024, the date on which the building permit was officially withdrawn.
The SaporFare Multifunctional Center will host a wide range of innovative spaces, designed to combine social inclusion and territorial development:
Restaurant: a place to enjoy creative dishes, directly contributing to the growth of the project.
Wine School: a school dedicated to wine culture and the valorization of local products.
Transformation laboratories: areas dedicated to fruit and vegetable processing, pasta making and agri-food production.
Cooking school: educational spaces to learn new skills and promote sociality.
Multipurpose room: area intended for public, private and business events.
The project's innovation lies in the virtuous network that unites non-profit organizations, profit-making companies, third sector entities, public institutions and private citizens. Every meal served at the restaurant or product purchased in the laboratories, event realized will support not only the SaporFare Center, but also other initiatives and social realities, generating a 360-degree positive impact for the territory.
The heart of the project is represented by the Experimental Offer Unit Accolti e Raccolti UDOS, accredited by the Municipality of Monza and the Lombardy Region. This service is aimed at people with disabilities who do not require high protection, but interventions aimed at:
Acquisition of personal and social autonomy.
Development of skills useful for the future, in the family, social and, where possible, professional contexts.
Activities will include:
Raised tub cultivation, orchard and sensory garden care.
Harvesting vegetables and fruit, caring for the forest and small fruits.
Creative and artistic workshops, culinary itineraries and agri-food production.
The courses will be personalized and monitored by an educational team in collaboration with the Territorial Social Services, with the aim of promoting a harmonious integration into the territorial context.
The total cost of the project, including furnishings and systems, amounts to 2 million euros.
The Cooperative Credit Bank of Milano will finance 50% of the work, excluding furnishings, with a loan of 750.000 euros. For the remaining part, the Tavecchio Foundation has launched a fundraising campaign through: Autari, the first wine produced in Monza after 150 years, a symbol of thanks to the territory and concrete support for the social project.
Share of participation as an investing partner in the Social Enterprise SaporFare Srl, with tax advantages and the possibility of participating in the distribution of profits. Interest-bearing loans at 3% net per year, guaranteed by public deed and tied to the finding of the necessary capital. Direct donations to Fondazione Tavecchio, with tax relief for supporters. Participation in public and private tenders. Non-repayable contributions from private and banking foundations.
The inspiring values and activities planned in the SaporFare Multifunctional Centre fully respond to 16 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda, to create a better future
and more sustainable for everyone. Therefore, companies that choose to support our project increase their ESG rating to inspire confidence in investors and consumers.
SaporFare is much more than a structure: it is a vision for the future, which unites people, institutions and companies in a sustainable and supportive project. Choosing to have lunch at the restaurant, organize a team building, organize events, participate in a cooking class or buy a product from the center, means supporting not only the project itself, but also other third sector entities, in a virtuous and circular network logic.
"The new Multifunctional Centre – declares Mayor Paolo Pilotto – will be able to offer job and growth opportunities to many people with disabilities in a context of naturalistic value. This is a novelty that will represent an added value for the Agriparco but also, more generally, for the entire city of Monza, from the point of view of social inclusion and in terms of the culture of sustainability and mutual aid".
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