Bovisio Masciago: woman arrested for the murder of her partner during a domestic dispute.
A fight between cohabitants ends tragically: a 33-year-old woman stabs her partner to death with a knife. Investigations underway.
Bovisio Masciago: woman arrested for the murder of her partner during a domestic dispute.
The Carabinieri of the Desio Company and the soldiers of the Cesano Maderno Tenancy intervened in a house of Tonale Street in Bovisio Masciago, following a report of assault.
From the first reconstructions carried out on site, it emerged that a fight broke out between an Italian couple living together had a tragic epilogue. The woman, a 33-year-old resident of the house, allegedly reacted to her partner's beatings by grabbing a kitchen knife and stabbing him in the chest.
It was the woman herself who contacted the emergency services.
Despite the timely intervention of the medical staff, the companion, a 38 year old, arrived lifeless in the emergency room of the hospital in Desio.
The woman was declared under arrest by the military who intervened and listened to by the Public Prosecutor on duty, who went to the place.
The investigations, conducted by the Carabinieri of Operational and Radiomobile Unit of the Desio Company, are underway to ascertain precisely the dynamics of the facts.
Please remember that the accused is to be considered innocent until a final conviction is issued.
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