Carate Brianza, caught stealing from the offices of the company from which he was fired: 39-year-old arrested
The Carabinieri stopped the intruder as he tried to escape, surprising him with a multifunction screwdriver and a flashlight
Carate Brianza, caught stealing from the offices of the company from which he was fired: 39-year-old arrested.
On the afternoon of Saturday 20 April, at the Carate Brianza hospital, the Carabinieri of the Radiomobile Unit of the Seregno Company arrested a 39-year-old Italian resident in Desio, known to the police, in the act of committing the crime of aggravated theft.
The soldiers, who were on duty at the emergency room, were approached by an employee of the company responsible for the maintenance of the hospital, who told them that he had noticed, a few moments before, an individual entering the offices
in use by the aforementioned company, even though they were closed.
The crew of the Arma, who intervened immediately in the place indicated by the witness, stopped the intruder as he tried to escape, surprising him with a multifunction screwdriver and a flashlight still in my hands. At the sight of the soldiers, the man also tried to get rid of a metal tip, generally used as an accessory for the jackhammer.
The entrance door to the offices showed clear signs of forced entry and was damaged, to the point of not being able to close again.
Other tools, commonly used for breaking and entering, were found following the search of the vehicle in the possession of the arrested person, still parked in front of the hospital.
The man, known for his history of property crimes, turned out to be a former employee of the maintenance company, fired a few months earlier because already caught stealing at the same location.
The military therefore proceeded to arrest the aforementioned, who, by order of the public prosecutor on duty at the Public Prosecutor's Office at the Court of Monza, was placed under house arrest. The following Monday, the GIP, in validating
the arrest, ordered as a precautionary measure against him the obligation to report daily to the Carabinieri of Desio.
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