Modena: City Council approves motion by PD, AVS and M5S, opposition act rejected

Modena politics for young people

Modena: City Council approves motion by PD, AVS and M5S, opposition act rejected

Against youth distress, a coordination table, integrated interventions with the Third Sector, volunteering, schools and law enforcement agencies and a pilot project for the historic center. These are the main requests that the City Council addresses to the Administration by approving, the motion on the fight against loneliness among young people and petty crime, starting from the launch of the Coordination and Discussion Table. The document, presented by Pd, Avs and the 5 Star Movement, has been approved with the vote in favour also of Spazio democratico, the vote against of Fratelli d'Italia and the abstention of Lega Modena.

Rejected, however, was the motion presented by Fratelli d'Italia, Forza Italia, Lega Modena and Modena in ascolto which asked to respond to the phenomenon of school dropout by implementing the Caivano Decree and involving local businesses in training courses aimed at young people. The document was rejected with the vote in favour of the proposers (the Modena listening group was absent) and the vote against by Pd, Avs, Spazio democratico and Movimento 5 stelle.

Illustrating the motion approved, Victor Reggiani (Pd) recalled some of the addresses provided by the Municipal Council in the previous legislature in response to the spread, also in Modena, of phenomena of youth fragility and groups involved in petty crime. In particular, two motions from 2021 and 2024 were mentioned, first signed by the Democratic Party, and a third, filed at the end of the mandate by the 5 Star Movement, which highlighted that in the face of such problems, deriving above all from precarious housing and lack of meeting places, the response cannot be only security-based.

In fact, in a broader perspective, it is necessary to increasingly involve, in addition to schools, local authorities and social services, also the various local entities with educational and city animation skills., as foreseen by the Street Education service, renewed in 2022, for two years, with an increase in resources and with integrated multi-sector intervention projects.

Highlighting therefore the importance of those who work with young people on a daily basis and can therefore act on them by promoting a positive educational experience, the motion underlines the need to constantly update youth policy tools and languages, further supporting those associations that already operate in the territory, but often in precarious and unsafe conditions.

The document therefore calls for the start of a co-programming process to create an integrated system of interventions aimed at the fragilities of young people., including prevention, containment and treatment of aggressive behaviour, also through the design of meeting and leisure spaces and the launch of a pilot project for the historic centre.

In particular, it is requested to start the process by involving the Administration and the Third Sector, starting from a coordination and comparison table on the experiences in progress, in which to exchange and share information, with associations, local police, law enforcement agencies and schools. Finally, the document asks to convene a Services commission near the expiry of the assignment of the Street Education project to discuss the renewal and the progress of what is proposed in the motion.

Elisa Rossini (Brothers of Italy), illustrating the motion later rejected, highlighted how Emilia-Romagna, according to a 2023 ministerial report, is the first region in the north for school dropouts. Therefore, underlining the low number of accesses to the Orientation desk of the Memo municipal service, dedicated specifically to the prevention of this phenomenon, the councilor spoke about the need for the Authority to adopt other initiatives.

The document therefore asked the Administration to implement the Caivano Decree which, involving school principals and mayors, also provides for punishments for those who repeatedly fail to comply with the training obligation, but also the activation of synergies with local business entities to structure professional training courses aimed at young people upon leaving lower secondary school, as also provided for by the regional system of professional education and training, that respond to actual employment needs.

The motion also called for a commission to be convened to examine the issue of training in greater depth., foreseeing the participation of ForModena, a company committed to educational and training services for young people.

Modena: Ok dal Consiglio comunale alla mozione di Pd, Avs e M5s, respinto l'atto delle opposizioni

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