Modena: “In the Mind of the Master” Exhibition at Palazzo dei Musei Extended

surrealism exhibition

Modena: “In the Mind of the Master” Exhibition at Palazzo dei Musei Extended

Continues until Sunday 30 March, “In the mind of the master”, the exhibition set up in the new wing of the Palazzo dei Musei that exhibits dozens of works by Salvador Dalí. The exhibition, a journey between art and psyche, inaugurated in September on the occasion of the Festivalfilosofia dedicated, precisely, to Psyche, has exceeded 26 thousand visitors (26.154 as of January 10) and will be enriched in the next few weeks with the arrival of a dozen new works from the collection of the Dalí Universe group in Barcelona, ​​including six paintings, sculptures such as “Michelin's Slave” and an original Dalí furniture set with objects designed by the artist.

The installation, curated by Beniamino Levi, president of Dalí Universe, with the patronage of the Municipality of Modena which granted the extension of the opening, offers a selection of works, including sculptures, lithographs, etchings and photographs that testify to the close link between the surrealist method, of which Dalí was one of the main exponents, and the psychoanalytic revolution. Among the dozens of works on display are some classics of the artist's iconography, such as the soft watch in “Dance of Time II” or “The Snail and the Angel”, a work deeply linked to Sigmund Freud, often depicted explicitly as in the etching “Psychoanalysis: Freud”, of which the original master engraved by Dalí will also be exhibited.

Even in the next months of opening, the activities for students will continue on display, in which about two thousand people have already participated, and guided tours for associations and communities that assist the most vulnerable people. “In the mind of the Master” can be visited Monday to Saturday, 9.30am to 19.15pm; Sundays and public holidays, 10am to 18.45pm. Il Full ticket costs 10 euros; reduced 7 euros (students, teachers, 16-18 years and 65-79 years), free for the age group 15 to 80, over XNUMX, protected groups and people with disabilities.

Modena: Prorogata "Nella mente del maestro", l'esposizione di Palazzo dei Musei

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