Modena. Crack dealer of Nigerian origin arrested on the avenues of Parco delle Mura.
Reported during an evening check and taken to prison because there was already a precautionary custody order against him issued at the request of the Prosecutor's Office.
Modena. Crack dealer of Nigerian origin arrested on the avenues of Parco delle Mura.
Reported during an evening check and taken to prison because there was already a precautionary custody order issued against him at the request of the Prosecutor's Office.
In the late evening of Wednesday 10 April in Viale Muratori, a man who was traveling on a bicycle, arousing suspicion, was stopped during the evening control activity that the local police of Modena carries out, even in civilian clothes, in reference to episodes of drug dealing on the avenues of the Parco delle Mura.
The man, a fifty-year-old of Nigerian nationality, he was found in possession of one hundred euros in cash and several doses of crack, a synthetic drug packaged in small heat-sealed pellets, which he tried to get rid of when he realized he was faced with local police officers, also attempting to resist the officers and ingesting some doses of the narcotic substance, a gesture which then required the intervention of the 118 health workers.
The person was reported to the Judicial Authority for resistance and detention for the purposes of trafficking; once identified, it was ascertained that, against him, there was also a precautionary custody order in prison, issued by the Judge for preliminary investigations of the Court of Modena, which was then executed by taking the man to prison man.
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