Vulcano: He boards the ferry leaving his dog in the trunk of the car for the entire journey. 51-year-old reported
A 51-year-old man from Catania was reported by the Carabinieri of the Vulcano Station (ME) as he was deemed responsible for the crime of “animal cruelty”.
Vulcano: He boards the ferry leaving his dog in the trunk of his car for the entire journey. 51-year-old reported.
A 51-year-old man from Catania was reported by the Carabinieri of the Vulcano Station (ME) as he was deemed responsible for the crime of “animal abuse”.
It all happened last Sunday evening, when the individual, on board his car, boarded the ferry departing from the port of Milazzo in the direction of Vulcano, would have left his dog inside the trunk of the car for the entire journey.
It was a phone call from a citizen, received by the emergency number 112, that alerted the Carabinieri who were found in the port area of the island, where they identified and stopped the reported car.
In the trunk of the vehicle, The military found a dog, which later turned out to be a Czechoslovakian wolfdog, which was in an evident state of state of suffering probably due to the high temperature, as well as the lack of air recirculation.
The animal he was visited and treated by a local veterinarian, while the man was reported to the Public Prosecutor's Office of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto and will now have to answer for the crime he is accused of.
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