The Carabinieri intensify checks in the ports of Milazzo and the Aeolian Islands

Approximately 25 grams of cocaine, 35 of hashish, 100 of marijuana and over 20 of MDMA were seized.

The Carabinieri intensify checks in the ports of Milazzo and the Aeolian Islands.

Controls continue by the Carabinieri of the Milazzo Company, who have strengthened controls in the port areas since the beginning of the summer, on the occasion of the presence of the greatest summer tourist flows.
Frequent services have been set up from the Milazzo Carabinieri Station with the help of the Nicolosi Carabinieri Dog Unit at the boarding points at the hydrofoil terminal and at the pier for scheduled ships to and from the Aeolian Islands.

Among the results achieved, the seizure of several grams of narcotic substances, in particular marijuana and hashish, found on or in the luggage of tourists departing for the archipelago, who were reported as users to the competent Territorial Government Offices.

In the Aeolian Islands, the services carried out in the respective ports of competence by the Carabinieri of the stations of Lipari, Vulcano, Santa Marina Salina, Stromboli and Filicudi and of the Posto Fisso of Panarea are carried out daily, in addition to the military reinforcements destined for the summer season : so far the checks have also allowed, in Lipari, Vulcano and Salina, to arrest six people in flagrante delicto, sseizing approximately 25 grams of cocaine, 35 of hashish, 100 of marijuana and over 20 of MDMA.

The activities are carried out in synergy with the Carabinieri CC N809 “Stefanizzi” patrol boat, which operates in the waters of the archipelago to control people and vessels, monitors the peculiar marine environment in relation to environmental protection tasks, also together with the Carabinieri Underwater Unit of Messina, and also contributes to the control of the land territory with foot patrols in the port areas and in the towns of Alicudi and Ginostra, suggestive destinations for thousands of tourists at this time of year.

Furthermore, in Lipari, the Carabinieri of the local station also operate as a border police post, with checks on arriving and departing people and their travel documents.
The intensification of control activities will continue in the coming weeks to guarantee order and safety for the thousands of residents and tourists transiting the archipelago.

I Carabinieri intensificano i controlli nei porti di Milazzo e delle Isole Eolie.

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