Taormina: caught stealing mechanical and body parts in the municipal warehouse, arrested by the Carabinieri

The two arrested, once the formal procedures were completed, were placed under house arrest at their homes at the disposal of the Judicial Authority.

Taormina: caught stealing mechanical and body parts in the municipal warehouse, arrested by the Carabinieri.

The Carabinieri of the Taormina Mobile Radio Unit have arrested - in flagrante delicto - two young men from the province of Catania, already known to the Police, presumed responsible for the crime of aggravated theft.

During a territorial control operation, the military personnel of the Arma surprised the two individuals who, equipped with tools suitable for the purpose, had already dismantled and stolen 6 catalytic converters and other body parts from some vehicles inside a municipal warehouse in the area, where the vehicles subjected to administrative seizure are kept.

The immediate intervention of the Carabinieri, alerted by a patrol of security guards, allowed them to block the illegal action of the two men, recovering the stolen goods which were subsequently returned to the owners.
The two arrested, once the formal procedures were completed, were placed under house arrest at their homes at the disposal of the Judicial Authority.

Taormina: sorpresi a rubare parti meccaniche e di carrozzeria nel deposito comunale, arrestati dai Carabinieri.

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