Province of Messina: thanks to the collaboration of the Carabinieri and the State Police, the agents have arrested another perpetrator of an assault that occurred last July

The restrictive measure arises from the outcome of the investigations conducted jointly by the military of the Carabinieri Station of Brolo and the personnel of the Capo d'Orlando Police Station, started immediately after the bloody attack that occurred on the night of July 24, both inside and outside a public place located on the seafront of Brolo.

Province of Messina: thanks to the collaboration of the Carabinieri and the State Police, the agents arrested another perpetrator of an assault that occurred last July.

Yesterday afternoon, personnel from the Capo d'Orlando Police Station and the Carabinieri from the Brolo Station, as part of ajoint operation, have executed an order for the application of the personal precautionary measure of placement in a community, issued by the GIP of the Juvenile Court of Messina, Dr. Rosa Calabrò, at the request of the competent Public Prosecutor's Office, headed by Dr. Andrea Pagano, against a minor responsible for the crime of personal injury aggravated crime committed in Brolo on 24 July, in conjunction with 4 other adults who, for the same event, have already been subjected to precautionary measures since last 17 August, by order issued by the GIP of the Court of Patti, Dr. Ugo Molina, at the request of the local Public Prosecutor's Office, directed by Dr. Angelo Vittorio Cavallo.

The restrictive measure arises from the outcome of the investigations conducted jointly by the military of the Brolo Carabinieri Station and the personnel of the Capo d'Orlando Police Station, started immediately after the bloody assault occurred during the night of July 24th, both inside and outside outside a public place located on the Brolo seafront.

The investigations conducted, in perfect synergy between the two operating departments, from the phases immediately following the event, through the collection of convergent statements made by the injured parties and eyewitnesses, as well as the acquisition and examination of video recordings, some of which were also distributed via the web, especially on social networks, they allowed precisely identify all the perpetrators of the contested criminal actions, to reconstruct the entire dynamics of the event and the conduct of the individual suspects, consisting of attacks characterised by ferocity, brutality and brutality.

The elements collected have allowed us to outline the futile reasons of the attacks suffered by the offended persons, the first of which arose from the invitation addressed by one of them to a suspect, who had simply been asked to respect the queue in order to use the bathroom, given that he had arrogantly tried to avoid it.

A first result was achieved violent assault, even through the use of glasses and bottles used as weapons, to hit the unfortunate victims even more violently, even in the face and head. The suspect, acting “in a pack” with his accomplices, he actively participated in the attacks, which occurred in rapid succession and continued outside the premises, against the individuals who intervened to defend the first.

The victims all sought medical attention. for the serious injuries sustained as a result of blows received to the head, face and various parts of the body. Viewing the acquired images allowed us to verify the conduct of the suspects also in relation to damage done, when leaving the premises, in parked cars and motorcycles.

Therefore, yesterday afternoon, the Carabinieri of the Brolo Station and the Judicial Police Squad of the Capo d'Orlando Police Station have the suspect was tracked down, subjecting him to the precautionary measure issued against him, accompanying him to a community for minors, at the disposal of the sending Judicial Authority.

Provincia di Messina: grazie alla collaborazione dei Carabinieri e della Polizia di Stato, gli agenti hanno arrestato un altro autore dei un aggressione avvenuta lo scorso Luglio

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