Milazzo: Territory checks, 10 people reported

territory checks, more than 150 vehicles and over 200 people checked

Milazzo: Territory checks, 10 people reported

The Carabinieri of the Milazzo Company have prepared a specific plan of checks and patrols, including during the night, aimed at guaranteeing the safety of citizens, with the aim of preventing and repressing any form of illegality, as well as verifying compliance with the Highway Code, with particular attention to monitoring people who drive vehicles after having consumed alcoholic beverages.

During the service, in which they were more than 150 vehicles and over 200 people checked, with the contestation of several violations of the Highway Code, also for conduct that seriously endangers the safety of motorists and pedestrians. With reference to crimes connected to road traffic, the military personnel of the Arma have reported three people to the Judicial Authority: two were stopped for driving under the influence of alcohol and one for refusing to take a breathalyzer test.

In addition, six other people were also reported – in various capacities – two for carrying a prohibited knife, one for being caught damaging a parked car, while another individual, in the context of the control of legally owned weapons, he was reported for failing to communicate the change of address of the place of custody of the regularly reported weapons.

As part ofanti-drug activity, 3 young people aged between 18 and 25, were reported to the Prefecture of Messina as users of narcotic substances, as they were found in possession of doses of marijuana and hashish held for personal use, seized by the military and sent to the Carabinieri of the RIS of Messina for the relevant laboratory analyses.

During a restaurant audit, carried out with the technical support of the ASP of Messina staff, The Carabinieri reported the owner, held responsible for having placed food products on the market with false information on the labels, as well as for attempted commercial fraud, or for having attempted to serve frozen foods by passing them off as fresh, since he had not indicated the state of conservation of the product on the menus.

Milazzo: Controlli del territorio, denunciate 10 persone

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