Messina: Carabinieri report 6 people involved in a brawl that occurred in Francavilla di Sicilia on the night of June 26

6 people, aged between 22 and 40, reported by the Carabinieri of Francavilla di Sicilia.

Messina: the Carabinieri report 6 people involved in a brawl that occurred in Francavilla di Sicilia on the night of June 26th.

Six people, aged between 6 and 22, were reported by the Carabinieri of Francavilla di Sicilia at the conclusion of an investigative activity started following a brawl that occurred on the night of 40 June in a street in the centre of Francavilla di Sicilia.

The investigations conducted by the Carabinieri, through investigations and analysis of the videos extracted from the surveillance cameras installed in the area affected by the event, made it possible to document the phases of the altercation which probably originated from an argument, which arose for trivial reasons between 6 people who then got down to business, hitting each other with kicks and punches, and generating a brawl which ended with the contestants escaping when a patrol of the Carabinieri from the Radiomobile Division of the Taormina Company arrived on site, which was intervened, following a phone call from a private citizen, received at the emergency number 112.

The subsequent phase of the investigation allowed the Carabinieri to trace the identity of those responsible and to collect further investigative elements, summarized in a report sent to the Public Prosecutor's Office of Messina, from which useful elements emerged that motivated their referral for the crime of brawling, as well as for illegal possession of a prohibited type of knife, given that on the scene, that night, the military found and seized a knife presumably abandoned by one of the individuals involved in the altercation.

Messina: i Carabinieri denunciano 6 persone coinvolte in una rissa avvenuta a Francavilla di Sicilia nella notte dello scorso 26 giugno.

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