Messina: Territory checks, six young people reported and 50 vehicles checked

territorial checks by local carabinieri

Messina: Territory checks, six young people reported and 50 vehicles checked

The Carabinieri of the Messina Sud Company together with the soldiers of the Operational Intervention Team, a unit of the 12th Carabinieri Regiment "Sicilia" of Palermo in support of the territorial departments of the force, have intensified their activity control of the territory with dynamic patrols and checkpoints, aimed at prevention of widespread illegality phenomena and identification of persons of operational interest with targeted anti-drug services, set up in particular in the villages of Aldisio and S. Annibale, the so-called “Case Gialle”.

At the end of the service, the military personnel of the Arma have coChecked over 50 people and more than 40 vehicles, with the contestation of violations of the Highway Code, also for conduct that may endanger the safety of motorists and pedestrians. With reference to Road traffic related crimes, two people have been reported to the Judicial Authority two for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs and other two, instead, for driving without a license with a repeat offense within two years.

Following searches of vehicles, two individuals were also reported for being found in possession, without justifiable reason, of a prohibited knife and a large stick. A driver, furthermore, it was contravened and reported to the Prefecture for driving under the influence of alcohol with levels lower than those foreseen for criminal sanctions.

Messina: Controlli del territorio, segnalati  sei giovani e controllati 50 veicoli

Furthermore, following the checks carried out on people subjected to restrictive measures, two individuals have been reported for violations of the obligations imposed by the preventive measure of special surveillance and one for evasion, for having left his home without any authorization. Finally two people were reported for aggravated theft of electricity.

The military personnel of the Arma carried out checks on the meters, active in the homes of the two suspects, which showed illegal connections created, by means of bypass, in order to fraudulently supply themselves with electricity stolen from the public grid, for the needs of their homes.

In the context of'anti-drug activity, six young people between the ages of 23 and 35 have been reported to the Prefecture of Messina which drug users, as they were found in possession of doses of marijuana, hashish and cocaine, held for personal use, seized by the military and sent to the Carabinieri of the RIS of Messina for the relevant laboratory analyses.

Messina: Controlli del territorio, segnalati  sei giovani e controllati 50 veicoli

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