Messina: illegal connections to the public electricity grid discovered in two residential complexes in Camaro and Giostra

20 people reported by the Carabinieri.

Messina: illegal connections to the public electricity grid discovered in two residential complexes in Camaro and Giostra.

As part of the services aimed at combating widespread crime and illegality, the Carabinieri of the Messina Centro Company conducted a targeted activity, set up in some residential complexes located in the Camaro and Giostra districts, which led to the reporting to the Judicial Authority of twenty people, some with criminal records, considered presumed responsible for the crime of aggravated theft of electricity.

The control activity of the military of the Arma, conducted with the technical support of the specialized personnel of the distribution company, allowed to identify several illegal connections to the public electricity grid and, in some cases, to the meters of unaware neighbors, made in the meter rooms of the two residential complexes monitored.

Through a survey carried out on some electrical systems, some bypasses were discovered, made with dangling wires, directly connected to the public network, structured in such a way as to elude the meter and illegally use the electricity supply.
The owners of properties with illegal connections have been reported to the Messina Public Prosecutor's Office and will now have to answer for the crimes charged to them.
Further checks are underway by technicians from the distribution company to quantify the damage suffered, which, in any case, should be considerable, considering that it has been estimated that some of the illegal connections discovered had been active for over eight years.

Messina: scoperti allacci abusivi alla rete elettrica pubblica in due complessi residenziali a Camaro e Giostra.

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