Messina: He possessed and sold drugs, 51-year-old repeat offender arrested

an arrest for possession and dealing

Messina: He possessed and sold drugs, 51-year-old repeat offender arrested

The Carabinieri of the Messina Sud Company they arrested a 51-year-old from Messina, already known to the police, held responsible for the crime of "possession of narcotics for the purpose of dealing". The Carabinieri of the Bordonaro Station and the Messina Radiomobile Unit operated, during a stakeout, set up near the 51-year-old's home, they stopped the man while he was on the landing of his house talking to another individual to whom he was selling a dose of crack, in exchange for 25 euros.Messina: Deteneva e spacciava droga, arrestato 51enne recidivo

Believing that the suspect could have other drugs in the house, The military decided to search his home, inside which, in the hall, they discovered a complex video surveillance system, made with the probable intent of observing the movements in front of the house, so that they can deal without being discovered. Cocaine residues were also found and seized, recovered from the bathroom floor, as well as the sum of 3.500 euros, in banknotes of various denominations, believed to be the proceeds of the illicit drug dealing activity.

The 51-year-old was arrested and placed under house arrest, at the disposal of the Judicial Authority. Following the validation hearing, the Judge of the Court of Messina has the arrest was validated operated by the Carabinieri, ordering the 51-year-old to report to the Judicial Police. The recovered drugs were sent to the Carabinieri of the RIS of Messina for the relevant laboratory tests, while the buyer, once identified, was instead reported to the Prefecture of Messina as a drug user.

Services aimed at combating drug dealing will continue, throughout the territory of the Peloritan capital, in order to provide an incisive prevention activity and dissuasion of ill-intentioned people from committing specific crimes in the context of drug dealing.


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