Messina, blanket checks on construction sites in 2024. 22 people reported, 10 businesses suspended and over 420.000 euros contested between fines and sanctions
The military conducted inspections in 42 construction companies operating in building sites in various locations in the province, carrying out checks on 140 job positions.
Messina, blanket checks on construction sites in 2024. 22 people reported, 10 businesses suspended and over 420.000 euros contested between fines and sanctions
During the 2024, the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Messina, within the framework of initiatives aimed at preventing and repressing crimes related to safety in the workplace, the emergence of undeclared work and the exploitation of labour, as also reiterated in the broader context of the Memorandum of Understanding drawn up by the Prefecture of Messina with all the provincial bodies involved in the issue, they have conducted a structured and intense operational activity, through a permanent campaign of periodic joint controls in the delicate sector of public and private construction sites, located in the Peloritani province.
The inspection activities were carried out, on a blanket basis, on a periodic basis, in various municipalities of Messina, by the military of the 9 Carabinieri Companies located throughout the province together with the military of the Carabinieri Labor Inspectorate Unit of the capital. In particular, The Carabinieri of Messina and the military of the Labour Inspectorate Unit conducted inspections in 42 construction companies active on building sites in various locations in the province, carrying out checks on 140 job positions.
As a result of the activities carried out, irregularities were detected in 17 companies, 10 of which were subjected to temporary suspension of activities due to the presence of serious violations in terms of workplace safety and the presence of "illegal" workers. The irregularities mainly concerned the failure to adopt technical and organizational measures to avoid the danger of falling from scaffolding and scaffolding, the so-called “working at height” dangers, such as, for example, the failure to install protections against empty space.
Other violations detected were those related to additional risks for workers, such as failure to provide personal protective equipment and to make construction sites safe, as well as failure to comply with obligations relating to employee training.
Following the critical issues and omissions found to have been committed by employers and various workers' safety officers, a total of 22 people were reported to the Judicial Authority and sanctions and fines were imposed for a total amount of over €420.000.
It should be noted, however, that, similarly to what happened in the previous year, also during the 2024 inspection campaign, particularly oriented towards public construction sites, but not only, the presence of a low number of "undeclared" workers was found, only 3 out of 140 job positions verified.
The Carabinieri inspection campaign of the Messina Provincial Command and the Labor Inspectorate Unit, in the construction sector, will continue in 2025, with the aim of maintaining high and constant vigilance on the specific and delicate issue, confirming the incisive and permanent action of prevention and contrast of the Carabinieri and the Labour Inspectorate to violations that damage workers' rights and seriously endanger their safety.
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