Messina: “MezziPerTuttə” arrives in the city. The first national campaign for raising awareness and preventing harassment on public transport
Raising awareness and preventing harassment on public transport is the aim of the MezziPerTuttə campaign, announced yesterday, Monday 16 September, at Palazzo Zanca, as a collateral initiative, during the press conference to present the 2024 edition of the European Mobility Week.
Messina: “MezziPerTuttə” arrives in the city. The first nationwide campaign for raising awareness and preventing harassment on public transport.
Raising awareness and preventing harassment on public transport is the goal of the campaign MeansForAll, announced yesterday, Monday 16 September, at Palazzo Zanca, as a collateral initiative, during the press conference to present the 2024 edition of the European Mobility Week.
La information campaign, sponsored by the Municipality of Messina, will start in the city of the Strait, thanks to the synergy of intent between the municipal administration, led by the mayor Federico Basile, through the councilor for equal opportunities Liana Cannata, the ATM SpA chaired by Giuseppe Campagna, in addition to the involvement of the special company Messina Social City governed by the president Valeria Asquini.
The initiative was welcomed by the high content and social value of the objective it intends to pursue, and wanted in Messina precisely in conjunction with the start of the European Mobility Week, in order to give a greater boost to MezziPerTuttə, because it focuses on public transport and the safety of women traveling on board. The initiative in the City will be supported by Kirweb, Period Think Tank and will involve the anti-violence centers CEDAV and EVALUNA, the Youth Council and local associations.
“A praiseworthy initiative for its aims and equally appreciable since it sees the union and joint participation of institutions and associations for fight a sad phenomenon for which it is necessary to work together in synergy, and be united in prevention and information to promote the culture of respect for women as progress for all humanity", thus the mayor Federico Basile.
For Councilor Cannata, the campaign represents a significant step towards combating the phenomenon which: “like other phenomena, that of harassment on public transport, is one of which we often have no knowledge of data and numbers. In the awareness – highlighted the Cannata – that the MezziPerTuttə campaign, will help bridge the GenderDataGap, that is, this lack of data, we have welcomed its promotion and dissemination in Messina, involving local associations to participate in order to commit ourselves more and more to spreading the theme of equal opportunities everywhere, and in particular through our Transport Company to project it on public transport, in order to keep the guard up on the sad phenomenon of harassment on buses, especially to the detriment of women. At the same time, a training course is planned- added the head of Equal Opportunities – edited by my Department and addressed to the personnel in charge of driving ATM vehicles and those of Messina Social City, aimed atdeepen knowledge of the phenomenon of harassment on public transport aimed at teaching them techniques, legal tools and behaviours aimed at protecting and safeguarding travellers from possible harassment, on the one hand, or intervene by reporting similar episodes, with a view to raising awareness among driver staff, to adopt an inclusive, integrated and gender-focused approach to the prevention and elimination of harassment and, more generally, violence for a more equal society”.
“We are proud to give our contribution as a Transport Company – added the member of the Board of Directors Carla Grillo – to an initiative with significant social value included in the framework of the initiatives promoted by ATM SpA as part of the European Mobility Week. Our corporate mission is aimed at to spread and raise awareness among users about the use of public transport and many initiatives are active to encourage it, as it is easy and safe. Likewise, for these reasons we will contribute to making our buses and trams available to collect data on the phenomenon of harassment, as well as activating a training path aimed at our staff in order to guarantee equal opportunities everywhere, and above all provide them with adequate knowledge to intervene in emergency situations, if harassment occurs on board our public transport”.
“The campaign is the first at a national level and arises from the proposal of Road to 50%, – explained Vice President Federica Raciti – an association that fights for gender equality aimed at involving municipalities and local transport companies to create a safe and inclusive environment for all users of public transport by raising awareness and informing citizens through an advertising campaign that will be present on public transport. Advertising billboards on buses and trams will be equipped with QR codes to answer an anonymous survey which will serve to collect data on the phenomenon of harassment on public transport, in order to create a useful and necessary database to make changes and adjustments in the public transport system".
To participate in #MeansForAll, the survey on inclusive mobility in Messina is enough click on this link here. click on this link here.
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