Messina: he was growing cannabis on his home land, 50-year-old arrested by the Carabinieri

The 50-year-old was therefore arrested and, after the usual formalities, restricted to house arrest at the disposal of the Judicial Authority.

Messina: he grew cannabis on his home land, 50-year-old arrested by the Carabinieri.

In Giardini Naxos (Messina), as part of the services aimed at combating drug dealing, the Carabinieri of the local station, supported by the soldiers of the Sicilian Hunters Helicopter Squadron, arrested, in flagrante delicto, a 50-year-old local man, with a criminal record, held responsible for the crime of possession and cultivation for the purpose of dealing in narcotic substances.

The man suspected of being involved in drug cultivation had ended up in the sights of the Carabinieri who, in the early afternoon of 5 August last, knocked on his door and, informing him of the reason for their visit, proceeded with the house search.

During the operations, in a plot of land adjacent to the house, available to the 50-year-old, the military found and seized 3 cannabis plants, more than one meter tall, planted in a hidden area, covered by vegetation.

Furthermore, inside the home, in a kitchen cabinet, the Carabinieri also found and seized over 150 grams of marijuana, a precision scale soaked in drug residue, as well as various material, probably used for processing and packaging of drugs.

The 50-year-old was therefore arrested and, after the usual formalities, restricted to house arrest at the disposal of the Judicial Authority.
The seized drugs were sent to the Carabinieri of the RIS of Messina for the relevant laboratory analyses.

Messina: coltivava cannabis nel terreno di casa, 50enne arrestato dai Carabinieri.

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