Messina: He was carrying 12kg of cocaine in the body of his car. 43-year-old arrested

The State Police of Agrigento and Messina arrested, at the port of Messina, a 43-year-old man, resident in the province of Agrigento, found in possession of approximately 12 and a half kg of cocaine.

Messina: He was carrying 12kg of cocaine in the body of his car. 43-year-old arrested.

During the early hours of yesterday night, as part of the Police services carried out at the Port of Messina on the piers transporting tourists, the State Police of Agrigento and Messina arrested, at the port of Messina, a 43 year old man, resident in the province of Agrigento, found in possession of approximately 12 and a half kilograms of cocaine.

In particular, the police officers of the Mobile Squads of Agrigento and Messina, engaged in joint services to control vehicles passing through the Messina embarkations coming from Villa San Giovanni, they stopped the driver of a car who, already during the document check, showed clear signs of impatience and nervousness, so much so that they do not even want to provide information about their place of origin and their presence in the Messina area.

Given the extremely suspicious behavior displayed by the Agrigento man, the police decided to carry out a more thorough check of the car inside the premises of the Messina Police Headquarters, finding, hidden in two compartments created in the floor of the vehicle hidden by a tilting metal plate, no. 10 rectangular wrappers containing cocaine.

Given the difficulty in unlocking the two rooms, the search operation took place with the support of the staff of the Messina Fire Brigade headquarters who, using specific equipment, proceeded to force the internal bodywork of the vehicle in order to recover the casings.

The arrested man, by order of the Public Prosecutor on duty of the Messina Prosecutor's Office, was taken to the Messina County Jail, awaiting the validation trial.

Messina: trasportava 12kg di cocaina nella carrozzeria della macchina. Arrestato 43enne

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