Gioiosa Marea: fake policeman and an accomplice defraud a woman, with a phone call they made her believe that her son had had a road accident

Catanese arrested by the Carabinieri.

Gioiosa Marea: fake policeman and an accomplice defraud a woman, with a phone call they made her believe that her son had had a road accident. 

Fake Carabiniere first telephones a woman to warn that her son, resident in Northern Italy, had had an accident, then the accomplice who shows up in front of the victim's house to collect the valuables agreed to resolve the dispute, making the unfortunate woman believe woman that her relative was held in the barracks for having caused a road accident.

This is what happened yesterday afternoon, July 4, to a woman from Gioiosa Marea, seduced by two criminals from the province of Catania, with criminal records, one of whom was arrested red-handed and the other reported for aggravated fraud.
In the circumstance, the woman, defrauded by the 2 subjects, had handed them over the cash sum of 4.000 euros.
Thanks to the immediate report to the emergency number 112 by residents of the area, regarding the presence of a suspicious car and further investigations, the Carabinieri immediately identified the direction of escape of the two criminals and intercepted the vehicle with which they were fleeing, blocking them near the A/20 motorway toll booth of Patti.

The two individuals were then subjected to a personal search and found to be in possession of the entire sum of money fraudulently stolen.

Gioiosa Marea: finto carabiniere e un complice truffano un donna, con una telefonata avevano fatto credere che il figlio avesse avuto un sinistro stradale. 

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