Furnari: Carabinieri arrest a 76-year-old local man for burning waste

The burned material was found in land adjacent to the landfill.

Furnari: Carabinieri arrest a 76-year-old local man for burning waste.

The Carabinieri of the Furnari station, as part of a service aimed at monitoring the Mazzarrà Sant'Andrea landfill, after the fire on 25 June, arrested, in flagrante delicto, a 76-year-old local man, caught while he was busy to set fire to some waste, including waste material, in land adjacent to the landfill.

The individual, for whom a specific request for validation was made by the Barcelona Public Prosecutor's Office, was released since, at present, no precautionary custodial measures were applicable.

The Chief Prosecutor of the Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto Prosecutor's Office Giuseppe Verzera, regarding the arrest, declared: “Today's provision testifies to the ongoing commitment of the Office I represent and of the local Carabinieri, aimed at combating the phenomenon of the uncontrolled abandonment of waste and the subsequent fire, in a context, that of the Mazzarrà Sant'Andrea landfill, which arouses great social alarm."

Furnari: Carabinieri arrestano un 76enne del posto per incendio di rifiuti.

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