Francavilla di Sicilia: in the presence of his minor children, he attacks his wife and mother-in-law to get money from them
34 year old arrested by the Carabinieri.
Francavilla di Sicilia: in the presence of his minor children, he attacks his wife and mother-in-law to get them to hand over money.
A 34-year-old with a criminal record was arrested by the Carabinieri of the Francavilla di Sicilia Station as he was deemed responsible for the crime of attempted extortion against his wife and mother-in-law.
It all happened in recent days when the military of the Arma carried out an intervention at the victims' home, following a report received by the emergency number 112.
On that occasion the Carabinieri surprised the 34-year-old while, in an evident state of agitation, he was attacking, in the presence of his minor children, his wife and his mother-in-law in an attempt to extort money from them which would probably have been used to purchase alcohol, threatening them with more serious consequences if they did not comply with his request.
The man was blocked by the intervened soldiers who then took him to the barracks, where his arrest was formalized.
The arrest was validated by the Judge of the Court of Messina who, against the 34-year-old, ordered the precautionary measure of removal from the family home.
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