Francavilla di Sicilia: he was travelling on a motorbike with drugs under his underwear, 30-year-old arrested by the Carabinieri

The Carabinieri searched the suspect's home, where they found and seized over 350 grams of marijuana already divided into doses, 20 grams of hashish and almost 5 grams of cocaine.

Francavilla di Sicilia: he was travelling on a motorbike with drugs under his underwear, 30-year-old arrested by the Carabinieri

On the evening of November 18, in Francavilla di Sicilia (ME), the Carabinieri of the local station have a 30-year-old man arrested of the place, already known to the police, for possession for the purpose of dealing narcotic substances.

As part of the checks aimed at combating drug dealing, the military stopped the individual while he was driving a motorcycle. During the control operations, the man showed a nervousness which led the Carabinieri to carry out further investigations and thus proceed to a personal search which has allowed for find and seize 4 doses of marijuana, that the arrested person had cleverly hidden under underwear.

Following the discovery of the narcotic, the Carabinieri have the suspect's home was searched, where they have been over 350 grams of marijuana found and seized already divided into doses, 20 grams of hashish e almost 5 grams of cocaine, a precision scale and various materials presumably used for packaging the drugs.

The 30-year-old was arrested and restricted to arrest at the disposal of the Judicial Authority. The drug was instead sent to the Carabinieri of the RIS of Messina for the relevant laboratory tests, at the end of which it was found that it would have been possible to obtain more than 1500 doses to be placed on the drug dealing streets.

Francavilla di Sicilia: viaggiava in moto con la droga sotto gli indumenti intimi, 30enne arrestato dai Carabinieri

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