Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto: assets worth 500.000 euros seized from a 41 bis prisoner and his wife.
Land, real estate and money worth a total of €500.000 were seized from a 42-year-old man, the head of a drug trafficking ring, and his wife, who was also detained.
Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto: assets worth 500.000 euros seized from a 41 bis prisoner and his wife.
I Carabinieri of the Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto Company they have implemented an order for the preventive seizure of assets and money issued by the GIP of the Court of Messina, at the request of the Public Prosecutor, against a 42enne, detained under regime 41 bis op, and his wife 31enne, also detained.
The measure follows the asset assessments carried out as part of an investigation conducted by the Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto Company, under the coordination of the District Anti-Mafia Prosecutor's Office of Messina, against a criminal organization dedicated to drug trafficking cocaine, marijuana and hashish in the Barcellona area. The investigation, the 25 June 2024, had already led to the execution of a custody order against 28 Guests and to the preventive seizure of companies, movable and immovable property, insurance policies and current accounts.
Among those receiving the precautionary measure in prison were the 42enne, as the head of the gang, to whom the detention regime provided for by the 41 to, and the 31enne, accused of “association aimed at drug trafficking” e “fraudulent transfer of values”.
The arrests were carried out as part of a large-scale operation conducted by the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Messina, which, on June 25th of last year, had allowed the overall arrest of 112 Guests, belonging to three associations active in drug trafficking between Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto e Messina.
Today's seizure concerns money and real estate located in Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto, for a total value of approximately 500.000 €. In particular, the provision concerns land, two houses, a warehouse, in addition to the cash sum of 51.000 €, found in the possession of the two suspects at the time of the operation on 25 June last year.
As highlighted in the judge's order, from asset assessments one emerged inequality between official income and possessions of the suspects, considered to be the result of the progressive expansion and consolidation of drug trafficking activities in the Barcellona area.
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