Taormina: extraordinary checks, business closed due to health deficiencies, owner reported

Seizure of 100kg of food.

Taormina: extraordinary checks, business closed due to health deficiencies, owner reported.

Extraordinary checks in Giardini Naxos, where the Carabinieri of the Taormina Company have prepared a special check plan, both day and night, to guarantee the safety of citizens.

The service was implemented in particular in the nightlife areas with the use of various patrols, with the aim of preventing and repressing any form of illegality, as well as verifying compliance with the rules of the Highway Code.

During the service, the Carabinieri have checked more than 80 people and over 60 vehicles, contesting several violations of the Highway Code, including for conduct that seriously endangers the safety of motorists and pedestrians.
The control activity in public places led to the complaint of the owner of a food and beverage service business because, from the checks carried out with the military of the NAS of Catania, serious hygiene and health deficiencies in the premises emerged.

Furthermore, in the same context, the seizure of over 100 kg of various foods, held in a poor state of conservation and partly without traceability.
The same owner was also reported by the military of the Labor Inspectorate of Messina who found irregularities in the sector regulations and found an "undeclared" worker, which is why, within the three working days required by law, the suspension of the business activity was carried out, which will eventually be revoked following regularization. For the irregularities detected by the NIL, fines and sanctions were imposed on the person responsible for almost 28.000 euros.

Taormina: controlli straordinari, chiusa attività per carenze sanitarie, denunciato titolare.

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