Taormina: found in possession of 20 grams of cocaine hidden in his trouser pockets. 46 year old arrested
The Carabinieri of the Taormina Company arrested a 46-year-old, with a criminal record, accused of possession for the purpose of dealing narcotic substances.
Taormina: found in possession of 20 grams of cocaine hidden in his trouser pockets. 46 year old arrested.
The Carabinieri of the Taormina Company arrested a 46-year-old, with a criminal record, accused of possession for the purpose of trafficking of narcotic substances.
The facts refer to the afternoon of August 10th, when the soldiers of the Francavilla di Sicilia station (ME), engaged in a territorial control service aimed at preventing and repressing the commission of crimes relating to narcotic substances, they proceeded to check the man, intercepted while walking around the streets of the center of Francaville.
His cautious attitude, adopted at the sight of the patrol, aroused the suspicion of the Carabinieri who, after identifying him and subjecting him to a personal search, they found him in possession of over 20 grams of cocaine, hidden in his trouser pockets.
The subsequent house search, extended to the 46-year-old's home, allowed the police to find approximately 2 more grams of the same narcotic substance, a precision scale, various materials probably used for the packaging of drugs, as well as Approximately 25 grams of mannite type, probably used to cut the drug.
The drugs, together with the cutting agent and the material found, were seized and sent to the Carabinieri of the RIS of Messina for the relevant laboratory analyses.
The arrested person is now under house arrest at the disposal of the Judicial Authority.
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